After some thought, I have decided to merge my two blogs. As I said in
my first post on this blog, the theme of
my other blog made me feel restricted in what I could and couldn't write. I felt I had to write not only about feminism, but about "important" feminist issues. And now that I have the two blogs, I feel like I have to keep my feminism-related posts off of this one.
Some of the topics I
covered at F:NANW |
But there's no reason to separate my writing about feminism and my writing about everything else in my life or my thoughts, because they
aren't separate. I think about feminism when I think about current events, such as
the attempts to close down Mississippi's only abortion clinic, but I also think about feminism when I think about
my obsession with style blogs, or when I argue with myself about whether or not going to the gym and trying to be in shape is anti-feminist. (FYI, my conclusion is that trying to be healthy is never anti-feminist; the trick is sticking to "trying to be healthy" without slipping into the mindset of "trying to be hot," a difficult path to navigate.) Feminism sneaks into my writing without my planning on it, because that's how the human brain works; nothing is completely compartmentalized.
So as of today, I will do all of my writing, be it
an overt feminist rant or a
recreation of an argument with my sister, on this blog. I'm not taking down
Feminism: Not a Naughty Word; I just simply won't be adding to it.
I hope you'll stick with me during this transition. I want to write more and about a range of topics, and I've decided that this blog is the best way to do that.
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